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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Searching and Finding Your Web Site

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of developing a web site so that it works properly in the various search engines.

A web site can have good products and wonderful marketing copy but if the search engines don't find it or don't index it properly, then the site is going to be much less of a commercial success than if it was found, indexed correctly and ranked in the top results.

Over 80% of all web sales begin with a search in one of the top search engines. Having a site respond well to a search based on specific keywords requires an understanding of the various elements that search engines are seeking when they review a page.

Included in site development:

WebMaker has been implementing SEO techniques on our clients' web sites for eleven years... we've been in business for twelve years, but there weren't any search engines the first year. Our expertise has put our clients' sites in the top ten ranking and kept them there for several years. We don't guarantee results. Anyone who does is either lying or is a search engine spammer. We do utilize our best efforts on our clients' behalf; you be the judge of the results.

Google So, how did we do?
Steve Moran's Custom Rods:
ProKera Lotion:

Check out many of our Portfolio sites for more examples of successful Search Engine Optimization.

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West 524 Euclid Avenue
Spokane, WA 99205
Phone: 509.822-2024 (not a cell phone; no texts, please!)
WebMaker, specializing in Web Site Design and Consulting Send E-mail WebMaker

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and may not be used without permission.