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Search Engine Oprimization

Web Sites That Work

WebMaker takes the fear and uncertainty
out of having a business website.


If your website looks like an expesive car, but the website does poorly in the search engines, that's like having a car without an engine. A poor search result for your website means the customers that you are wanting to call you, are not able to find you to make that call.

WebMaker has been developing websites since before there were search engines (since 1994). As soon as the first search engines began to show up on the web, WebMaker began developing websites that had the goal of being easy to find. It was actually some years before the term "Search Engine Optimization" (SEO) came along and helped to create a brand new industry... one that is rife with gobledegook, misleading statements and promises that cannont be fullfilled.

Not every website in every category can be number one, or even number ten. There are many factors involved in moving a website toward the first page of search results:

There are well over 6 billion webpage on the Internet, no person or company can truthfully guarantee that a particular website is going to achieve a ranking in the top five or ten entries. Add to the sheer number of websites, the fact that the search engine companies, Google, Bing, Yahoo!, all keep their methods for ranking websites a closely guarded secret.

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West 524 Euclid Avenue
Spokane, WA 99205
Phone: 509.822-2024 (not a cell phone; no texts, please!)
WebMaker, specializing in Web Site Design and Consulting Send E-mail WebMaker

WebMaker All original graphics and text are copyrighted © 2025 by and WebMaker
and may not be used without permission.