WebSite Development
Commercial WebSites
Search Engine Optimization
Consulting - Web Marketing
WebMaker has been creating websites for Spokane businesses since 1994.
A website that doesn't work properly is worse than no web site at all.
Every WebMaker developed website includes:- Content about Products or Services that the Viewer Wants
- Navigation that gets Viewers to the Content They Need
- Marketing text that Encourages the Viewer to make a Purchase or Contact you
- Graphics and Photos of Superior Quality
- Effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Code that is Compliant with WC3 Standards
Your website needs to have relevant content that is easily navigated by those who seek your services and/or products. To be effective, the website needs to be optimized for search engines and utilize up-to-the-minute web marketing techniques. These are the kinds of techniques that reflect the choices and habits of the viewing public, not baseless stunts utilized for the sake of showing off some programmer's animation skills.
WebMaker develops websites that are easily navigated, easy to read and deliver your content to the viewer quickly. A few pages, or a few hundred pages, we've created web sites from simple to complex. Optimizing your website for search engines to index and rank properly is just part of the skill set that comes with every WebMaker produced site. You've got a business to run; your need is for straight forward information and a development team that works for you, not for their own portfolio.
Contact us at:509.822.2024
WebMaker has over twenty years of experience in all phases of web development:
- Web Development Since 1994
- SEO - So your site is found and ranks well
- Graphics Creation
- Copy Writing
- Photography
- Interface Development
- HTML - Javascript - CSS - PHP Programming
We provide our clients with personalized service that meets their needs. We put our knowledge of the Internet and the World Wide Web to work for our clients, making sure that the websites that we produce are browser compatible, search engine friendly and, most of all, on point for the customers that our clients want to reach.

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West 524 Euclid Avenue
Spokane, WA 99205
Phone: 509.822-2024 (not a cell phone; no texts, please!)
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