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Order Form Demo

Widgets, Wonders & Whatevers

Demo On-Line Order Form

Below is a javascript order form. This form is unique in that, depending upon the item you select and its options (say, material, shape and color), the unit price changes. As qualities for each item are selected, the customer can see the changes in subtotal and total. Optional state tax can be included, as well.

Shipping charges can be a function of any number of options, such as unit weight or, in this case, total number of items/2.

Form validation can be done with PHP and/or JavaScript, in case not all items are available with all options.

This type of form would be useful for merchants with a only a limited number of products - for merchants with a large variety of items, a shopping cart should be considered.

Qty Item Material Shape Color Price ea. Total
 (total items)    Subtotal:
(Shipping ten or more items is free)  Shipping:
(Note: WA retail residents add 8.6% sales tax) 
(select both quantity and item type to calculate unit price and line price)


Customer Information

Name: * (first, M.I., last)      
Zip or Postal Code*
E-mail Address:*
Phone Number:*
Company:    Resale No.
* indicates required field              
Next Step: Validate fields, Verify Order, Complete Order

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